Warning: file_get_contents(./documentation/config/bug reporter.prefix): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/k9720-1/htdocs/hexaverse/html.php on line 65
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Bug Reporter

The bug reporter application helps you report bugs that you have encountered while running the game. If the bug results from an encountered fatal exception of either client or server, then the bug reporter is started automatically. Alternatively it may be started manually from the installation folder [install dir]\BugReporter\BugReporter.exe , or via the visual client menu (Main->Help->Report Bug).

You must specify a rough description of the bug in order to send the report. Reproduction instructions and log files are optional, but please do provide at least the related log files (if any). Think of the logs as the black boxes of the game. They help immensely in tracking down the cause of a bug.

If the server is currently unavailable, or the reporter has encountered some exception, then it should provide an option to send an email instead.